Friday, August 15, 2008

Feeling Groovy.

This morning i didn't want wes to leave :/
but when he did dakota jumped up and took his spot on the bed.
late morning rise; 10 a.m.
i took the cruiser out for a spin today, almost got hit by at least 3 cars.

For lunch i ended up downtown on 13th street, at sun ray cafe.
favorite sandwhich ingredients; cream cheese, sprouts, onions, tomatos, lettuce, and olives.
i sported my urban sundress and converse.

The weather is beautiful.
hope it stays the same for the fair later.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Don't worry about a thing, every little thing is gunna be alright.

Today i had another dentist appointment. I guess i don't brush my teeth too well :[ i had a cavity.
Not only am i horrified of the dentist, but i had to lay in the chair while they drilled on my tooth.
I turned the television up real loud, and closed my eyes.

most favorite thing: goofy droopy numb smiles.

I heard about a coffee shop down a couple blocks from my house called the library.
It's a cute little cottage with seating inside and out.
Me and Dakota took a long, hot walk there today.
He's pooped, sleeping in his favorite spot; under my bed.

I still need to get a job.
I guess im just slacking.
It would be bomb if i got a job at R.E.I.

I really miss this girl.

I wish she would come HOME, or at least visit me soon.
stay beautiful sunshine, peacen'love

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Every Man Gotta Right To Decide His Own Destiny.

Early morning rise: 7 A.M.

Today i really need to start looking for a job (gas prices have sky rocketed)!!
I went and looked at scooters today, $3,000 for a new one and it gets 100 mpg.

Sea Foam Green is my style.

since i was so frusterated with everything yesterday, it helped me kick ass in frisby golf today.

i may need to work on my aim though..
some rad hippie folk were drinking and playing.
looked like a sweet time.

dakota (dog) is chillen with me now...
its too hot for him outside.

laundry is done.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The good times of today R' the sad thoughts of tommorrow

it's been a down day//
down in my head & heart.
down in my world.

not to busy. wes is at work. boy do i miss him.
he stopped by for lunch. (lucky me)
i fixed him some steak. i think im going back to being a vegetarian.
my energy level seems to be above the clouds when meat is excluded.

amazingly brightened my day.
ecspecially since i got the "be careful" talk about my new lip ring.

birthday is in 7 days.
jack jhonson is in 10 days.

hmmm... the day is slllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww.

but he keeps me entertained.